Category: Exercise
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That feeling is common to all of us  who are trying to live healthy. Lets face it - waking up after a light sleep; observing  an overcast sky outside threatening  a possible heavy downpour;  nurturing some soreness from previous training day that sadly reminds us of our over 50 age; forcing  ourselves to train against all that is very daunting. Unless, of course,  you have a competitive spirit like my buddy who trains before work regularly and he trains with a group of people with a Coach.   

Expect some really nasty days. Oh even my buddy had to get to a hospital for an overall check up because at one point he overtrained and felt some major stomach problems, thankfully no damage was found AND he placed second in his swim category. Now that’s serious competitive spirit. I may love to race but NOT that hard.

Yet there are moments when it’s all worth it. Getting into my last race, I found my training falling short while facing a distance that included an ascending intercoastal bridge to run twice, I just knew I won’t  make the time I thought I’d deliver to my team. But it’s amazing how the body responds to the excitement and stress of races. I not only  delivered, I’ve beaten my last record for a 5 k by a minute. And trust me, shaving off a minute in a 5 k is a lot.  And those moments, those unexpected moments are the impetus that pushes an active person to become more active. It makes the training bearable and worth it.

This time I am working on long distances training to be ready for the upcoming half marathon races.


Sept 8 5k = 26 minutes

Sept 10 = jog (light run) 7 miles