Healthysport: Discussion about Health as we Age

How To Enjoy Life as we Mature and Retire


avocado photo


Sept 1 = 4.5 miles interval

Sept 3 = 5.0 miles slow + interval


I post these values so I won’t forget. It has been a while since I actively shared my workouts with readers.


Thankfully,  due to slowing down of hospital work, I find more free time to blog and post what I feel like posting. As you can tell, I redirected my main web site to this joomla-based topics section because the old site is getting… well … old and since it is the change of season, it is time to change website look as well. Anyway, my story today is about returning back to regular exercises as I am about to touch my 51st birthday. I am noting my age again and again so readers would not expect some high intensity-competitive kind of sports or training in this website. As I have stated in the past postings, this site is about being healthy (and yes, being healthy is a big goal)for people 50 and above. It does not mean you have to abandon all your lofty goal of beating everyone half your age if you have the capacity to do so, as long as you don’t get injured or decommissioned or worse,  disallowed to return to regular work-outs again for the rest of your life. Being healthy is not about beating records and proving better than anyone else. Being healthy is the ability to lead normal lives without limits or fears. I work in hospital settings and I can tell you that majority of my patients now are approximating my age - it scares me when my stroke or heart attack or morbidly obese patient is younger than me. I am getting more and more acutely sensitive to the root causes of their diseases and I am at the conclusion that outside of genes, people in mid life often suffer because of neglect of healthy lifestyle and subjecting themselves to severe stress. That is the main thing. So this site will try its best to address these.


Let us start with food and nutrition because a third of health involves good nutrition, another third involves exercise and the other third is rest and relaxation. Nutrition is my favorite topic today because it is avocado season. I have something to share with you all as far as my avocados are concerned: I ignore them for guacamole. I eat them as desserts. Oh yes, some of you may start throwing up just thinking about avocados as dessert but hear me, I find them great and grand as desserts.

Avocados are full of nutrients including the good carbs and good fat. So there is nothing wrong to splurge in them. I usually cut them into halves, pour cream or milk and  sugar and mix them up. That’s all. Avocados today cost me 4 for a dollar. Who can beat that ?

avocado dessert photo

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